
What Rules Lovers In Astrology

Astrological Ruler of Lovers Lovers are ruled by Venus. Co-ruler of Love is Neptune and Mercury. Further study is required for different types of Lovers. Lovers: Are You compatible with other Astrology signs? Lovers: Determining the compatibility of your partner, love interest, or friendships can be easily accomplished by looking at your zodiac sign. Some […]


What Rules Obsidian in Astrology?

Astrological Ruler of Obsidian Obsidian is ruled by Pluto. Co-ruler of Obsidian is Saturn and Uranus. Further study is required for different types of Obsidian. What Is Obsidian? Obsidian is based on the felsic lava that contains a high amount of mineral elements such as aluminum, silicon, oxygen, sodium and potassium. This how obsidian is […]


What Are Major Aspects In Astrology

Major Aspects In Astrology Aspects: This is one of the most important components of astrology. It is important in the understanding of the aspects in the chart. This is the angles or aspects between the planets in the birth chart. These aspects can give us insight into how the planets interact with each other and […]


What Rules Bridges in Astrology?

Astrological Ruler of Bridges Bridges are ruled by Saturn. Co-ruler of Bridges is Neptune and Pluto. Further study is required for different types of Bridges. What Is a Bridge? Bridges are a form of structure that can be constructed in order to go from one side of a river or ravine to cross over to […]


What Is Void of Course Moon Shopping?

Void Of Course Moon Shopping Void of Course Moon Shopping: It denotes a time period when the Moon has made its last major aspect to a planet but before it has entered the next sign. It is a time when things do not work out as planned. Meaning if you start something during a Void […]


Buying A Car During Mercury Retrograde Can Be A Problem

Mercury Retrograde: “Buying A Car” Mercury Retrograde: One of the most important things to know about Astrology is that you should not buy a car when Mercury is Retrograde. The car will become a headache and require continued maintenance. With all the electronics in today’s cars, you will spend most of your time at the […]


What Are Nodal Cycles and Eclipses

“Nodal Cycle and Eclipses” Eclipse’s can be a great time to start a business. The five weeks after the Eclipse will improve its chances of success. Why? The next Eclipse will be in 18.5 years at this point due to the Nodal Cycle. A Nodal Cycle return to this area means either you reincorporate or […]


Void of Course Moon Results

“Never Start a Business On a VOID-OF-COURSE MOON!” When it is a VOC Moon, a business started now will not do the everyday tasks such as being efficiency and the employees are lazy. Example: Cleaning the floors and taking the trash out are part of the everyday job but will be overlooked. Not greeting the […]


What Rules The Surf

Astrological Ruler of the Surf Surf is ruled by Neptune. Co-ruler of Surf is Mars and Mercury. Further study is required for different types of Surf. Copyright © 2023 by All Rights Reserved Image Source: StockNation Join Our Astrology Community


Saturn In Pisces: Game Board Called: “Feeling Sorry”

Game Board: “Feeling Sorry” Sorrow is ruled by Saturn. Co-ruler of Sorrow is Neptune. Further study is required for different types of Sorrow. Saturn in Pisces: New Game invented called “Feeling Sorry”-Here is a list of all types of words so everyone can be part of the game by feeling sorry for themselves today. Sorrow […]