What Is A Tertiary Dimensional Chart

Let’s start out by saying, the Tertiary Chart is read like the Saturn Transit Chart. As Saturn goes over the Descendant, you are moving more into the Public Life and Success that culminates when Saturn reaches the Mid-heaven. For an Astrologer to understand, they must be past their First Saturn Return. The Tertiary Moon is read the same way but the cycle is much faster. Anyone who has been doing charts for a long times knows the Saturn Cycle. The Tertiary Moon is the same Cycle. Dimensional Tertiary is just a tool I use when looking at the transit of the Tertiary Moon. Personally, I recommend Millennium by Air Software because of the simplicity of doing the Tertiary Moon and moving it by hand around the chart. It displays the date and time of the culminating aspect. Look at the chart of Kamala Harris (below). The Dimensional Chart picture is displayed as 1, 2 and 3 (Outer Circles) in her chart. This is due to the tight grouping of her planets. First Dimension (1): After the Tertiary Moon conjunction of Natal Saturn goes to the conjunction of Natal Jupiter. This was a very positive time in her life with very few consequences for her mistakes in life. Second Dimension (2): As the Tertiary Moon conjuncts the Natal Mars then goes to the Natal Venus. This is a similar theme as Saturn into the Fourth House of “Dark Night of the Soul”. This is a very Negative time in her life due to the influence of Natal Mars/Uranus/Pluto and ending with Natal Venus in Virgo. What can you say, all negative in her life. Her Fourth House of Natal Virgo is an extremely challenging childhood that she learned to adapt to “Chaos” in her life. Most of her problems were caused by the parent represented by the Fourth House. Mother was from India and Father was Jamaican. I mean, what can you say, such a difference in cultures from the parents to project onto the child. The mother being from India was most likely the “Critical Voice in Her Head” as she grew up. Living in Chaos is tough, it destroys relationships and lives as the person tries to adapt on a daily basis. Third Dimension (3): As the Tertiary Moon conjuncts the Natal Sun and goes to the Descendant. Good and bad times due to the Neptune influence. It is time to begin again in the Outer Life as the Tertiary Moon goes over the Descendant. I highly recommend using the Tertiary, it works very well for timing. My personal opinion, I believe her time of birth is wrong in the chart and she has a Void of Course Moon. Remember, that was 1964 and it was a wild time in California.

Tertiary Chart

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